1) apology accepted trust denied.

2) you have no idea how much i want to feel your legs intertwined with mine as we lay asleep, knowing you're right there and not going anywhere.

3) i was right. my first thought of the new year was you.

4) cuddling is so perfect when you think about it because you get really close to someone you love and it's like saying, hey HUMAN, there's a lot of humans in the world but you're my human and i love you.

5) real men stay dedicated to one girl.

6) never beg for a relationship.

7) i always find myself comforting people with the words i want to hear.

8) if you are the other woman it's not a relationship.

9) don't fall in love with the flower and then try to change its scent.

10) intimacy is important but definitely not the most important part of a relationship, staying true and committed to each other will always come first.

11) if someone has to think twice about being with you, don;t be with them.

12) a true gentleman will not date the most beautiful woman in the world, he will date the woman who will make his life beautiful.

13) a true relationship is not based on the amount of time you've spent with each other, it's solely based on the foundation you've created together.

14) when two people are made for each other, no power is strong enough to stop their love and the longest of distance fades away.

15) the greatest gift you can gift you can give someone is the space to be his or herself, without the threat of you leaving.

16) you can;t go back and change the past, so look to the future and don't make the same mistake twice.