1 - India's blade runner!
2 - Goal, set, go!
3 - When you let nothing stop you!
4 - Just look at that perfection!
5 - A paralympic swimmer who just refused to give up!
6 - He had faith, and that became his strength!
7 - Bird's eye view!
8 - Life dared him, so he dared it back.
9 - She learnt colors and shades, and the rest really did not matter!
10 - What's your excuse?
11 - The winning smile!
12 - Focused eyes seek no pity!
13 - He makes struggle look effortless!
14 - Aim for higher, always!
15 - The trick is to not lose your target!
16 - Victory roar!
17 - Reminds of Eminem's 'Not Afraid', doesn't it
18 - They became their own hero!
19 - Fight like there's no tomorrow!
2And last but not the least; Stephen Hawking, a synonym for inspiration!