1 - This is a magical one

3 - Cute as a candy corn

4 - My heart just melted

5 - Princess and the pea

6 - What's cuter than a baby in a pumpkin

7 - Up, up, and away!

8 - Catching the Zzz's

9 - There are no words for this...

10 - Nom nom nom cookies

11 - The coziest bed of all time

12 - The cutest little monster ever

13 - Someone made a bit of a mess...

14 - Oh, don't mind me...

15 - Puppies

16 - But three's a charm

17 - So soft and snuggly!

18 - Pearls are a girl's best friend

19 - How couldn't this bring a smile to your face

20 - Diva at an early age
